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The Church of the Immaculate Conception of the BVM in Wolbrom

The Church of the Immaculate Conception of the BVM in Wolbrom

Na wprost drewniany kościół z zewnątrz od strony prezbiterium. Po prawej niska przybudówka, dalej widać górny fragment wysokiej nawy z wieżyczką z sygnaturką na dachu. Po lewej widać fragment ogrodzenia i wysokie drzewo. Za nim w tle budynki. Po prawej korona dużego drzewa liściastego. Na około trawa i alejka. Niebo zachmurzone.

ul. Mariacka, 32-340 Wolbrom Tourist region: Jura Krakowsko-Częstochowska

tel. +48 326441027
The Church was erected using larch wood in 1638 and from the start fulfilled the functioned of a hospital church.
The small church consists of a square nave and a smaller, square chancel. The baroque character of the church is underlined by, for instance, the façade with a triangular gable and the high quadrilateral turret and lantern. The interior of the church has remarkable polychrome decoration on the ribbed vaulting, and the walls are covered with baroque illusionist painting. Among the fittings the C16th gothic statue of Madonna with Child and the baroque altars and sarcophaguses are noteworthy. Worth seeing in the area! Wolbrom is a part of the Dąbrowskie Basin. It is situated on the Krakowsko-Częstochowska Upland. South of the city, there is Kamienna Góra, with a steel millennium cross on the top and from under the cross there is a broad view of Wolbrom and its neighbourhood. In the Wolbrom market square, there are many tenement houses from the 1st half of the 19th century, nearby, there is the St. Catherine parish church dated back to the 14th century. Near the market square, we may admire the provincial buildings, consisting of single-storeyed houses with characteristic houses with wide open vestibules. At ul. Krótka, there is the former Jewish school dated back to the 19th century, single-storeyed, on a rectangular plan; at the other end of the city, at ul. Skalska a fragment of the old Jewish cemetery from the early 19th century has been preserved. We may also encounter numerous roadside statues and crosses, from the turn of the 19th and 20th century. North of the city, there is the Wolbrom Reservoir, with the area of 20 ha, where it is possible to fish.

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