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Punkt Informacji Turystycznej Brzesko

Tourist Information Point Brzesko

Na pierwszym planie białe stokrotki na trawie. Dalej za pojedynczymi drzewami stoi długi parterowy budynek, za nim dobudowany trzykondygnacyjny. Po lewej drzewa i wśród nich inny budynek. Na niebie cienkie chmury.

ul. Piastowska 2b, 32-800 Brzesko

tel. +48 146520340
tel. +48 146630063
Unique, charming, colourful, intriguing and with a hint of mystery. Such is Brzesko, picturesquely situated on the Uszwica River, one of the pearls of the Wiśnickie Foothills. The town has been lucky to be home to farsighted people – people, that is, with vision. It was here that, among other things, a brewery was established which, from a small plant, became one of the largest breweries in Austria-Hungary and later on in Europe... It still belongs to one of the largest brewing companies in the world. If we look at the Brzesko Market Square, we will see a beautiful medieval chequered urban layout, eclectic tenement houses, a church and an interesting Town Hall.

The Brzesko region is also fortunate to have many great personalities – St Stanislaus the Bishop, martyr and patron saint of Poland, was born here; actor Ludwik Solski, playwright and poet Kazimierz Missona lived here; and film director Andrzej Munk was a frequent guest here. It is therefore worth staying here for a little longer, if only to trace their footsteps....

The enthusiasts at the Brest Tourist InformationPoint will be happy to help you choose which way to go and places where you can have a quiet rest. It can be found in the District Education Centre – School Youth Hostel, which is located far away from the town bustle and noisy streets, in a quiet and picturesque part of Brzesko featuring a large garden and plenty of greenery. 

The Brzesko PIT provides expert information not only on the sights and attractions of Brzesko, but about what awaits in it sits environs both near and far. Here, too, we can obtain maps, guides, albums, books, special folders and traditional souvenirs.  It is here that we can most quickly find out where to find comfortable accommodation,delicious food, and interesting concerts and sports events in the area. Of course, PIT staff will be more than happy to assist tourists with the appropriate bookings.

The Tourist Information Centre in Brzesko operates as part of the Małopolska Tourist Information System, an integrated network that enables coherent and comprehensive activities.

It is also a Bicycle Friendly Place – MPR.

More about Bicycle Friendly Places and VeloMetropolis can be foundat narowery.visitmalopolska.pl.

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