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The Parish Church of the Holy Trinity in Iwanowice Włościańskie

The Parish Church of the Holy Trinity in Iwanowice Włościańskie

Na wprost, widziany z góry, drewniany kościół z dwoma wysokimi wieżami po bokach, z wieżyczkami z sygnaturkami. Po środku wysoki jak wieże trójkątny szczyt i niżej zadaszone wejście z wpół otwartymi dużymi drzwiami. Przed kościołem plac, betonowe ogrodzenie i wysokie, szerokie schody. Na około wysokie drzewa. W tle lasy i po lewej kilka zabudowań. Po prawej długi budynek. Przed schodami ulica.

ul. Jana Pawła II 6, 32-095 Iwanowice Włościańskie Tourist region: Kraków i okolice

tel. +48 123884018
The Church was erected in 1745 using fragments of a 1408 gothic church in the construction. The church was built using log construction with vertically boarded walls, and the steep roof was covered with tin.
A brick sacristy (once the strongroom) has been added to the chancel along with a chapel of St. Anne of Samothrace (once the sacristy). The portals are finished with convex-concave arches. The oldest relics among the church fittings are the gothic sculptures: St. Christopher (around 1500), The Risen Christ (first half of the C16th) and Madonna with Child (C16th). Worth seeing in the area! The village is located 20 km from Kraków, in the central section of the Dłubnia Valley, called the Iwanowicka Valley. The valley is surrounded by the hills, the highest of which is Góra Klin and Babia Góra. Due to the lay of the land, the section of the Dłubnia Valley between Maszków and Iwanowice is called “Little Ojców”. In the 16th century, the Arians acted in Iwanowice and during the January Uprising the insurgent troops under the command of Apolinary Kurowski were deployed there. In addition to the church in Iwanowice, it is worth seeing the historic chapels: St. Roch chapel (with the miraculous spring of the 18th/19th century) and Our Lady of Consolation chapel (19th century), figure of St. John of Nepomuk (ca. 1800) and wooden tavern (18th century), which accommodates the regional museum.

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